This Swiss mountain landscape titled “Snowy Peaks” features a mountain called Grand Darray. The Grand Darray, also named Grand Darrey, is a mountain of the Mont Blanc massif. Its highest point is at an altitude of 3,514 metres (11,529 ft) above sea level. Black & white seemed to fit this scene best. The rising fog and snowy mountain peaks stand out nicely against the dark sky as a result. Also, the photograph looks more interesting and stronger.
The viewpoint from which this Swiss mountain landscape was captured, is near the Swiss town of La Fouly in the canton of Valais in Switzerland. The area around La Fouly is beautiful, especially in wintertime. Many beautiful winter hiking trails and ski tours start in La Fouly. Both offer stunning views and excellent viewpoints for winter landscape photography. Make sure to go there if you get the chance. But make sure to bring your snowshoes!
This photograph is part of our Winter & Snow photography theme. This theme features a selection of photos taken in wintertime. Check out our Mountains & Hills photography theme for more Swiss mountain landscapes as well as mountain landscapes from other places around the world. Alternatively, visit our Swiss Landscape Photography portfolio for more photographs from Switzerland.
Alex Brenner –
Love your black & white photography! Not only the Swiss mountain landscapes, but also the landscapes with trees in winter. Keep it up 🙂
Shane Dawson –
Nicely crispy! Great details and depth! 🙂