Photography collections
To help you find what you are looking for, we grouped our portfolio of landscape & nature photos in photography collections. Here photos are organised by Theme, Country or region and Black & white versus Colour.
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Our Lakes theme showcases our lake landscape photography collection. The photos in this theme often feature more intimate alpine mountain lakes, that often also include the reflections or the surrounding mountains and forests. Tthe Lakes landscape photography theme also features photographs of big lakes.
VisitMountains & Hills
The Mountains & Hills theme showcases our mountain landscape photography collection. It features mountains and hills in varying seasons, at different times of the day and with changing weather conditions. Expect to find photos of the Alps, Dolomites, Rocky Mountains, and the mountains of the Nordics.
VisitThe Arctic
Our Arctic landscape photography theme features photographs captured above the Arctic circle. The photos show the beauty of Greenland, the Swedish part of Lapland and the coastal mountains of Lofoten in Norway. Additionally, expect to find frosty winter scenery, frozen lakes, snowy mountain peaks, and icebergs.
VisitWaterfalls & River Rapids
This is a collection of photos that feature waterfalls and close-ups of river rapids. Some are part of a vast (mountain) landscape, and others are more intimate or minimalist close-ups. These solely focus on the mystic beauty of the falls and rapids itself.
VisitWinter & Snow
The Winter & Snow theme consists of photographs of landscapes as well as nature’s detail in winter. Expect to see typical winter scenery with snow and ice. For instance, snowy alpine meadows, frozen lakes, icebergs, snow-covered mountains peaks as well as trees with a winter coat.
The Minimalist photography theme contains minimalist impressions of subjects and scenes from around the world. These impressions can be of wider landscapes, often including simple man-made objects. However, the photos can also feature specific details found in nature.
VisitForest & Trees
The photographs in this theme capture the beauty of forests, woodlands, and trees in varying seasons. You will see larch tree forests with fall colours, often in an alpine setting and sometimes reflected in mountain lakes. Also, you will see many photos of solitary trees in this theme.
VisitFog & Mist
Our Fog & Mist photography theme showcases landscapes in which fog or mist are a key element. They often add a distinct mystical mood to landscape photographs, especially around lakes and mountains and in forests. The photos in this theme are from all around the world.
VisitAutumn & Fall Colours
The Autumn & Fall Colours theme consists of photos of autumnal landscapes as well as nature’s detail in autumn. With its vibrant colours and atmospheric sunlight, autumn is a splendid season for photography. Expect to see scenery with coloured leaves, autumn foliage and the occasional mushroom.
VisitThe Countryside
Our Countryside landscape photography theme features photos of more rural countryside areas. They include your typical countryside subjects. You can expect to see meadows, farmland, as well as sunflower fields. Also, you will run into some windmills, farmhouses and water towers.
VisitSunrise & Sunset
This Sunrise & Sunset landscape photography theme shows photographs taken around sunrise or sunset. As a result, they are often quite colourful. However, do expect some of them to be in black & white as well.
VisitFlower Power
Our Flower Power photography theme features photos of flowers. Most of them are close-ups, also called macro photographs. In some cases, however, they are landscape photographs in which flowers are a key element. Furthermore, the occasional bee or bug might drop by in the flower photography collection as well.
VisitBlack & White
Our Black & White Photography portfolio showcases fine art landscape and nature photographs in black and white (B&W). Monochromatic photography is an alternative name for this genre.
Landscape photos of scenery found in Switzerland. They show the beauty of the Alps and its mountain lakes and rivers, waterfalls, glaciers and larch tree forests. Besides that, you will see landscapes photographed at the bigger Swiss lakes and in the Swiss foothills.
VisitThe Nordics
Landscapes photographed in Nordic countries: the Lofoten Archipelago in Norway, Swedish Lapland, Iceland as well as Greenland in the Arctic. These often feature black sand beaches, coastal mountain scenery, sea stacks, waterfalls, Icebergs, and remote winter vistas.
Our Canadian landscape photography portfolio features mountain, lake and coastal landscape photos featuring the gorgeous scenery found in places like Banff National Park, Jasper National Park, Mount Robson Provincial Park, Yoho National park, Waterton Lakes National Park and on Vancouver Island.
Our Irish Landscape Photography portfolio features mountain, lake and coastal landscapes photographed in the Counties Wicklow, Wexford, Waterford, Cork, Kerry, and Dingle. The Irish Atlantic Ocean coast, Irish Sea coast, lakes, and hills provide many stunning photography opportunities.
VisitThe Netherlands
Our Dutch Landscape Photography portfolio features landscape photographs created in The Netherlands (Holland). Most of the photos in this portfolio are coastal landscape photographs taken in the province of Zeeland. Many of them are in black and white and have a minimalist style.